International Forum

Our City, Our Space

Sponsored by the Chevening Alumni Programme Fund, and with the partnership of PlacemakingX and the UK Embassy in Havana, we invite you to join us to discuss and create resilient and inclusive paths towards the sustainable development of Cuban communities.

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Who are we?

The International Forum “Our City, Our Space” is a discussion platform to promote placemaking strategies towards the sustainable development of Cuban communities. Sponsored by the Chevening Alumni Programme Fund, and with the partnership of PlacemakingX, the forum invites community leaders, architects, communicators, urban planners, sociologists, designers, artists, economists, students, environmental experts and specialists in sustainable development from Cuba and worldwide to develop a meaningful debate in order to promote and support sustainable living modes in the island. It also aims to share and raise awareness of the New Cuban Urban Agenda 2036, while addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2, 3, 11, 12 13 and 17 of the United Nations.

What do we do?

We connect and visibilize community-led and sustainable strategies in Cuba.


Evolve from a top-down traditional approach to planning to a bottom-up inclusive, adaptable, context-specific and collaborative process driven by the community, where stakeholders, experts and local governments work beyond their professional boundaries to fulfill the communities’ expectations for their places.

Local development

Address and solve a diversity of socio-economic, cultural and environmental problems through a participative process that aims to produce sustainable development and improve the quality of life of communities.

Sustainable mobility

Access to services and infrastructure for the mobility of people -in a manner that is safe, affordable, accessible, efficient and resilient-minimizing emissions with an environmental impact.


Use of waste materials to convert them into new objects in a way that reduces energy use, air pollution and water pollution.

Alimentary and nutritional safety

Guarantee permanent access to a sufficient, safe and nutritious food supply needed to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.


Easy access to the built environment. Create spaces for ALL, not only eliminating physical barriers, but also fulfilling the psychological needs of the users. 

Cities for people

Creating or regenerating places based on the ‘users’ aspirations and needs.

Community wellbeing

Merge social, political, economical, cultural and environmental factors that communities identify as essential for them to flourish and achieve prosperity.


Fulfil our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.

"The role of public spaces in community development is mediated by multidimensional factors, including community participation, management of material and human resources, government strategies, among others"
Gabriela García Portuondo
Our City, Our Space

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Our Sponsors and partners

Our City, Our Space forum is Sponsored by the Chevening Alumni Programme Fund, and with the partnership of PlacemakingX.

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